Q. Who are you?
A. We are professional scientists, engineers, and educators. See Contributor Bios for the profiles of some of our contributors.

Q. Are you all Christians?
A. Mostly, but not all. Surak is a theist, and we will occasionally have guest contributors who are theists or agnostics.

Q. What denomination?
A. The regular contributors are non-denominational. Sarah and her family attend the Hill Country Bible Church. Ben and his family are members of the Church of Christ.

Q: What does the name “SixDay Science” mean?
A: The ancient biblical scholar Nahmanides said that the six days of creation (Genesis 1) contain “all the secrets and ages of the universe.” In other words, Nahmanides was claiming Genesis 1 as, among other things, a work of scientific literature. “SixDay Science” is a reference to how developments in modern scientific fields like relativity, cosmology, and particle physics are supporting this claim.

Q: What do you mean by “Faith in Science | Science in Faith”?
A: By “Faith in Science” we do not mean that religion should be introduced into science. Rather, we mean that Christians should have faith in science. We believe that, when properly carried out, science ultimately reveals the truth about our material universe and brings us to a greater understanding of its Creator. By “Science in Faith” we mean that a proper understanding of science supports faith in the God of the Bible.

Q: Do I have to be Christian to comment here?
A: Absolutely not. We welcome people of all beliefs, including agnostics and atheists. We want the discussion to be civil, reasoned, and on-topic, so as long as you stick to the rules for commenting, you are welcome to join in.

Q. Are you creationists?
A. This is really a two-part question.

Q. Are you Young-Earth Creationists?
A. No.

Q. Do you believe our universe was created?
A. Yes. One of the beliefs that forms the foundation of the big bang theory is that our universe suddenly appeared out of ‘nothing.’ Something from nothing means creation, and, as scientists, we have to go where the evidence takes us. Right now science says our universe came about as an instance of creation.

Q. Are you proponents of intelligent design?
A. As a scientific theory, no. However, as Christians we obviously believe in some form of intelligence that created the universe. Since the dominant theory of cosmology maintains that our universe originated in an instance of creation, the next question that demands our attention is whether the cause of creation was conscious (God) or unconscious (super-nature). Modern physics and biology offer an abundance of evidence (but no proof) in favor of a purposeful intelligence and little or none against. Again, as scientists, we have to go where the evidence takes us.

Q. How old do you believe the universe is?
A. In the range of 11 – 17 billion years, based on age measurements of chemical elements, old stars, and dead stars (white dwarfs). This range is consistent with the cosmological-model-based age estimate of 13.8 billion years.

Q. How old do you believe the Earth is?
A. About 4.5 billion years old, based on age-dating using chemical abundances and age-dating of meteorites.

Q. Do you believe the Genesis account of creation is literal or figurative?
A. It is literal. Genesis 1 makes at least 26 statements about the origins of our universe and the life on our planet that are testable by science. All 26 statements are consistent with modern science, and they are in the correct order. The probability of someone just getting the 26 steps in the correct order by chance is approximately one in 400 septillion (1 in 400 x 1024). This strongly supports Genesis 1 as arguably the most remarkable piece of scientific literature ever written.

Q. Do you believe that science and religion can coexist?
A. This is another two-part question.

Q. Do you believe that science and all religions/philosophies can coexist?
A. Not all. The history of science demonstrates that science in its modern form originated and flourished in only one culture — Christian Europe and its offshoots.

Q. Can science and Christianity coexist?
A. Not only can they coexist, science needs Christianity if it is to continue to make significant progress. Georges Lemaître, a devout Christian, was instrumental in formulating the greatest development in physics, the big bang theory. On the other hand, the social and behavioral sciences are at a theoretical dead end because they are dominated by humanist philosophy. If you doubt this, ask yourself why, after over 200 years of effort, psychologists can’t explain the cause of chronic depression (one of a multitude of failures).

Q. Do you believe in evolution?
A. This is a multi-part question.

Q. Do you believe in common descent?
A. Yes. Some of us believe that geneticists are close to confirming common descent. As scientists and Christians, we have no problem with the notion of common descent, if it turns out to be true. In fact, the new field of evolutionary development (“evo devo”) has presented compelling evidence of too much common descent — something Darwin and the Neo-Darwinists never anticipated.

Q. Do you believe in Darwin’s version of evolution?
A. No. Darwin got some things right, but his theory does not stand up to scrutiny. One of the cornerstones of Darwinism, gradualism, is obviously incorrect according to the fossil and genetic evidence. There is evidence for Darwin’s natural selection at the micro-evolutionary scale of one or two mutations. But there is little evidence for — and strong evidence against — natural selection as the driving force of macro-evolution. Without gradualism and natural selection, Darwinism is undone.

Q. What sort of evolution do you believe in?
A. Mathematicians have been trying to tell Darwinists for generations that the math of random mutations doesn’t work. Scientists need to consider alternatives such as nonrandom mutation and preprogramming of genes. In his excellent book, Endless Forms Most Beautiful, biologist Sean B. Carroll uses the word ‘logic’ repeatedly to describe the most recent and startling discoveries about the DNA of animals. In spite of the fact that he is a strong supporter of Darwin, he is compelled to describe the genetic structure of life in terms of something only a vast and purposeful intellect is capable of. It seems that a stubborn disdain of Christianity prohibits most biologists from admitting the obvious; there is strong evidence of a conscious designer at work in the structure of life on Earth.

Q. Do you believe Homo Sapiens existed before the creation of Adam?
A. Yes. The fossil evidence is extremely compelling, and contrary to what most opponents of Christianity believe, Genesis and the New Testament are consistent with the existence of pre-Adam hominids.

Q. Did these early humans coexist with dinosaurs?
A. No, obviously not. Young-earth creationists came up with this idea as part of a desperate (but understandable) attempt to defend their beliefs in the face of repeated assaults on their faith by secular humanists.

Incidentally, Genesis 1:21 properly translated from Hebrew includes dinosaurs (gadolim tananim or “great reptiles”) in its list of animals that God created.

Q. Do you believe in the multiverse?
A. The multiverse is an interesting philosophical hypothesis, but it falls outside the realm of science.

You are welcome to join in the discussion as long as:

  1. you believe that science is the most effective means humankind has developed to search for truth about our material universe
  2. you are loyal to the scientific method and willing to go wherever the evidence takes you
  3. you understand and respect the limitations of science
  4. you respect the views of others
  5. you don’t think the Star Wars prequels are superior to the original trilogy
  6. you want to engage in a mutual effort to learn more, open your mind as much as possible, and have some fun.

Points #1 and 2 are not absolute. If you are a creationist who is skeptical of modern science, you are welcome here as long as you are open to learning about how science teaches us about the material universe. Point #5 is absolute.

Here are the rules to follow if you want your comments published:

  • Be polite. Any comments that are crude or contain vulgarity or personal insults will be deleted.
  • Stay on topic. Off-topic comments will be deleted. If you wish to draw our attention to something unrelated to any of the posted articles, feel free to email Dr. Salviander.
  • Refrain from proselytizing. You are free to share your beliefs with us, with two exceptions: If you are a creationist who believes we are going to hell for believing in science, please do not bother to tell us, as your comments will be deleted; if you are the kind of “skeptic” who believes we are fundamentalist idiots for believing in God, your comments will likewise be deleted.
  • Think before you write. Questions and criticism are welcome, as long as they are reasoned. Generally, you are best served if you follow these steps: pause for one minute, then re-read the article/comment to make sure you understood it; then check the archives and read the FAQs to see if your objection has already been addressed.

These rules are subject to change at any time and are enforced solely at our discretion.