My testimony

I’ve had numerous requests over the years to write down my personal testimony and post it here. I was asked to give my testimony at a local church here in Austin as part of their Easter celebration, which finally compelled me to write it all down. What follows is an adapted version of that Easter talk. (Spanish translation of this testimony is here.)

I was born in the U.S., but grew up in Canada. My parents were socialists and political activists who thought British Columbia would be a better place for us to live, since it had the only socialist government in North America at the time. My parents were also atheists, though they eschewed that label in favor of “agnostic.” They were kind, loving, and moral, but religion played no part in my life. Instead, my childhood revolved around education, particularly science. I remember how important it was to my parents that my brother and I did well in school.

I grew up in the 1970s and 1980s, a time when science fiction was enjoying a renaissance, thanks largely to the popularity of Star Wars. I remember how fascinated I was by the original Star Wars trilogy. It had almost nothing to do with science—it’s more properly characterized as space opera—but it got me thinking about space in a big way. I also loved the original Star Trek, which was more science fiction. The stoic and logical character of Mr. Spock was particularly appealing to me. Popular science was also experiencing a renaissance at that time, which had a lot to do with Carl Sagan’s television show, Cosmos, which I adored. The combination of these influences led to such an intense wonder about outer space and the universe, that by the time I was nine years old I knew I would be a space scientist someday.

Canada was already post-Christian by the 1970s, so I grew up with no religion. In retrospect, it’s amazing that for the first 25 years of my life, I met only three people who identified as Christian. My view of Christianity was negative from an early age, and by the time I was in my twenties, I was actively hostile toward Christianity. Looking back, I realized a lot of this was the unconscious absorption of the general hostility toward Christianity that is common in places like Canada and Europe; my hostility certainly wasn’t based on actually knowing anything about Christianity. I had come to believe that Christianity made people weak and foolish; I thought it was philosophically trivial. I was ignorant not only of the Bible, but also of the deep philosophy of Christianity and the scientific discoveries that shed new light on the origins of the universe and life on Earth.

As a young person struggling to understand the world without the aid of religion, I got involved in Objectivism. Objectivism is a philosophy built on the idea of rational selfishness. It is based on the work of the devoutly atheist philosopher, Ayn Rand, who lived in Soviet Russia before she immigrated to the United States. Unlike my parents, I had embraced capitalism by my early twenties instead of socialism. Objectivism appealed to me, because of the belief that my life was my own, and that I could make of it what I wanted. It seemed like a strong, logical philosophy.

In my mid-twenties, I moved to the United States to go to university and to prepare for a life devoted to science. I enrolled in the physics program at Eastern Oregon University, located in the same little town where my brother and I had been born. As I began to experience life as an independent adult, I started to find Objectivism a barren and sterile philosophy.

It had failed to answer the big questions: What is the purpose of life? Where did we come from? Why are we here? What happens when we die?

It also suffers from an ironic lack of internal consistency. For all its focus on objective truth, the philosophy of Objectivism had no source for that truth except human opinion. And, for all their focus on enjoying life, Objectivists didn’t seem to experience any joy at all. Instead, they seemed preoccupied with angrily guarding their independence from all outside pressures.

I had been indirectly supporting the Ayn Rand Institute with a subscription to an Objectivist magazine, but by this time was starting to regret it. Even though I still thought Christianity was silly, ARI’s relentless bashing of Christians was starting to grow tiresome. And when one of ARI’s most prominent public figures mounted a public defense of partial-birth abortion as being “pro-life,” I canceled my support and no longer identified myself with the philosophy. I realized I had outgrown Objectivism.

I began to focus all of my energy on my studies, and became very dedicated to my physics and math courses. I joined campus clubs, started to make friends, and, for the first time in my life, I was meeting Christians. They weren’t like Objectivists—they were joyous and content. And, they were smart, too. I was astonished to find that my physics professors, whom I admired, were Christian. Their personal example began to have an influence on me, and I found myself growing less hostile to Christianity.

In the summer after my sophomore year, I participated in a physics research internship at the University of California – San Diego. For the first time in my life, I was no longer in the center of mass of science—the realm of long-accepted scientific truths—but had moved to the frontier of science, where new discoveries were being made.

I had joined a group in the Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences (CASS) that was researching evidence for the big bang. The cosmic background radiation—the leftover radiation from the big bang—provides the strongest evidence for the theory, but cosmologists need other, independent lines of evidence to confirm it. My group was studying deuterium abundances in the early universe. Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen, and its abundance in the early universe is sensitive to the amount of ordinary mass contained in the entire universe. Believe it or not, this one measurement tells us whether the big bang model is correct.

If anyone is interested in how this works, I’ll describe it, but for now I’ll spare you the gruesome details. Suffice it to say that an amazing convergence of physical properties is necessary in order to study deuterium abundances in the early universe, and yet this convergence is exactly what we get. I remember being astounded by this, blown away, completely and utterly awed. It seemed incredible to me that there was a way to find the answer to this question we had about the universe. In fact, it seems that every question we have about the universe is answerable. There’s no reason it has to be this way, and it made me think of Einstein’s observation that the most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it’s comprehensible. I started to sense an underlying order to the universe. Without knowing it, I was awakening to what Psalm 19 tells us so clearly, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”

That summer, I’d picked up a copy of The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas and was reading it in my off hours. Previous to this, I’d only known it as an exciting story of revenge, since that’s what the countless movie and TV adaptations always focused on. But it’s more than just a revenge story, it’s a philosophically deep examination of forgiveness and God’s role in giving justice. I was surprised by this, and was starting to realize that the concept of God and religion was not as philosophically trivial as I had thought.

All of this culminated one day, as I was walking across that beautiful La Jolla campus. I stopped in my tracks when it hit me—I believed in God! I was so happy; it was like a weight had been lifted from my heart. I realized that most of the pain I’d experienced in my life was of my own making, but that God had used it to make me wiser and more compassionate. It was a great relief to discover that there was a reason for suffering, and that it was because God was loving and just. God could not be perfectly just unless I—just like everyone else—was made to suffer for the bad things I’d done.

For a while I was content to be a theist and didn’t pursue religion any further. I spent another very enjoyable summer with CASS, and then during my last year at EOU I met a man I liked very much, a computer science student from Finland. He’d been in the special forces in the Finnish Defense Force, and was just about the most off-the-wall character I’d ever met. But he was also a man of strength, honor, and deep integrity, and I found myself overwhelmingly drawn to those qualities. Like me, he’d grown up atheist in a secular country, but he’d come to embrace God and Jesus Christ as his personal savior in his early twenties through an intensely personal experience. We fell in love and got married. Somehow, even though I wasn’t religious myself, I was comforted to be marrying a Christian man.

I graduated with a degree in physics and math that year, and in the fall, I started graduate work in astrophysics at The University of Texas at Austin. My husband was a year behind me in his studies, so I moved to Austin by myself. The astrophysics program at UT was a much more rigorous and challenging environment than my little alma mater. The academic rigor, combined with the isolation I felt with my family and friends being so far away, left me feeling pretty discouraged.

Wandering through a bookstore one day, I saw a book called The Science of God by Gerald Schroeder. I was intrigued by the title, but something else compelled me to read it. Maybe it was the loneliness, and I was longing for a deeper connection with God. All I know is that what I read changed my life forever.

Dr. Schroeder is a unique individual—he is an MIT-trained physicist and also an applied theologian. He understands modern science, has read the ancient and medieval biblical commentaries, and is capable of translating the Old Testament from the ancient Hebrew. He was thus able to give a scientific analysis of Genesis 1. His work proved to me that Genesis 1 was scientifically sound, and not just a “silly myth” as atheists believed. I realized that, remarkably, the Bible and science agree completely. (If you’re interested in the details of this, you can either go through my slideshow here or read Dr. Schroeder’s book.)

Schroeder’s great work convinced me that Genesis is the inspired word of God. But something told me to keep going. If Genesis is literally true, then why not the Gospels, too? I read the Gospels, and found the person of Jesus Christ to be extremely compelling. I felt as Einstein did when he said he was “enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nazarene.” And yet I struggled, because I did not feel one hundred percent convinced of the Gospels in my heart. I knew of the historical evidence for their truth. And, of course, I knew the Bible was reliable because of Genesis. Intellectually, I knew the Bible to be true, and as a person of intellect, I had to accept it as truth, even if I didn’t feel it. That’s what faith is. As C. S. Lewis said, it is accepting something you know to be true in spite of your emotions. So, I converted. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior.

Maybe that sounds coldly logical. It did to me, and for that reason, I sometimes worried whether my faith was real. And then I had a chance to find out a couple of years ago. That year started with my cancer diagnosis and an unpleasant course of treatment. Not long after, my husband fell ill with meningitis and encephalitis, and it was not clear if he would recover; we didn’t know if he would be paralyzed or worse. It took him about a month, but, thankfully, he did recover. At that time, we were expecting our first child, a baby girl. All seemed well until about six months, when our baby stopped growing. We found out she had Trisomy 18, a fatal chromosomal abnormality. Our daughter, Ellinor, was stillborn soon after.

It was the most devastating loss of our lives. For a while I despaired, and didn’t know how I could go on after the death of our daughter. But I finally had a clear vision of our little girl in the loving arms of her heavenly Father, and it was then that I had peace. I reflected that, after all these trials in one year, my husband and I were not only closer to each other, but also felt closer to God. My faith was real.

I don’t know how I would’ve coped with such trials when I was an atheist. When you’re twenty years old and healthy, and you have your family around you, you feel immortal. I never thought about my own death or the potential deaths of loved ones. But there comes a time when the feeling of immortality wanes, and you’re forced to confront the inevitability of not only your own annihilation, but that of your loved ones.

A few years ago, when I was researching an article on the nature of time, I was surprised to discover that only the Abrahamic faiths and their offshoots hold to linear time. All other religious traditions hold to cyclical time. Not only does cyclical time seem more intuitively correct—our lives are governed by many cycles in nature—but it offers a comforting connection to the Sacred through the eternal return. The modern, secular version of this is the Multiverse.

Georges Lemaître was a Belgian priest and physicist who solved Einstein’s general relativity equations and discovered that, contrary to the prevailing philosophy of the last 2,500 years, the universe wasn’t necessarily eternal and static. He discovered in his solution the mathematical evidence for an expanding universe, and pursued it vigorously. For that reason he’s considered the father of the big bang (which he called “the hypothesis of the primeval atom”). Shortly before he died, he was told that his hypothesis had been vindicated by the discovery of the cosmic background radiation, the most important prediction of the hypothesis. This discovery also vindicated the very first words of the Bible after 2,500 years of doubt—there was a beginning. And that beginning meant the universe had a transcendent cause, for nothing in nature is its own cause. Atheists have been dismayed by this and forced to retreat to the idea of the Multiverse.

The Multiverse idea posits that there is a huge number—possibly an infinite number—of parallel universes. It’s an interesting, but ultimately unscientific, idea. Science can only study what we can observe in this Universe. It cannot ever hope to study the Multiverse. Nevertheless, some atheists cling to the idea, because it’s the only serious alternative to God as the creative force behind the Universe and it’s a way to cope with mortality in the absence of God. The problem is, most proponents of the Multiverse haven’t seriously explored its logical implications. I think, when they do, their worldview leads to despair.

Hugh Everett is an example of this. He was a brilliant physicist who is known for what’s called the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics. He sought to explain the strange, almost mystical, effects of the quantum world by rejecting its dependence on probabilities. He proposed instead that every possible outcome of every experiment really happens, but they happen in alternate universes. This was the first scientific incarnation of the Multiverse.

Everett was not motivated solely by mathematics. He understood the implications of his atheist beliefs, and was looking for a way to escape the annihilation that is inevitable in the atheist worldview. For him, the Many Worlds idea was a form of immortality. He wanted to believe that there were an infinite number of Hugh Everetts, all inhabiting these alternate universes, because it was a way to avoid the terror of annihilation. But, as Jesus told us, we must judge a tree by its fruits. Everett’s worldview did not appear to offer him, or his family, any real comfort. He was a depressed alcoholic who ate, drank, and smoked himself to death at the age of 51. His daughter committed suicide years later, and indicated in her suicide note that she hoped she would end up in the same parallel universe as her father.

In the Multiverse, we are not unique; there are many “copies” of each of us. If it’s real, then we have lived, and will live, an infinite number of lives. In fact, we have already lived this exact life an infinite number of times. All those lives are lost and pointless. We will live them an infinite number of times again. Everett and others who believe in the Multiverse have not conquered death; they think they’ve found a way to cheat it, but this form of “immortality” is really just a prison from which there is no escape. Does that sound awful to you? It sounds awful to me. As with the philosophy of Ayn Rand, the Multiverse is ultimately barren of hope and purpose.

I do not believe we are locked in that sort of prison. But the only way we are free is if the universe and everything in it was created, not by some unconscious mechanism, but by a personal being—the God of the Bible. The only way our lives are unique, purposeful, and eternal is if a loving God created us.


I love my career as an astrophysicist. I can’t think of anything I would rather do than study the workings of the universe, and I realize now that my lifelong fascination with space has really been an intense longing for a connection with God (“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made” [Romans 1:20]). But I also feel a strong calling to minister to others through this same work.

I will never forget the student who got me started on this path. When I was a graduate student, not long after I had converted to Christianity, I was leading a help session for an astronomy course, and we were going over big bang cosmology. After the session, the student came to me and asked, very timidly, if it was okay to be a scientist and believe in God. I told her, of course; I was a scientist and believed in God. She was visibly relieved, and told me that one of her professors in another department had said she couldn’t be religious and believe in science, too. I was haunted by this, and wondered how many other young people were struggling with similar questions about science and faith. I decided to help others who are struggling with doubts. I also wanted to help people answer false atheist arguments confidently. I’ve struggled with this, because I know it will be a difficult road to travel. But the meaning of Jesus’ sacrifice leaves no doubt about what I have to do.

When I was in the process of becoming a believer, two things drew me to God—the overwhelming evidence of his involvement in the physical world and his perfect justice. I can help people to see God’s handiwork in the physical world, but I am not capable of perfect justice. None of us are. God’s perfect justice demanded atonement for sin, but because of our flawed nature, we aren’t capable of atonement. God sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to atone for us. Jesus was crucified, He died and was buried, and on the third day He rose. Perfect justice was achieved.

Jesus triumphed over temptation, sin, and death. If we choose to accept the gift of salvation, we are reconciled to God: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whomsoever believes in Him should not perish but have life everlasting.” (John 3:16) I don’t know who you are, dear reader, or what your background is. Perhaps you are a believer; if so, you already know the power of those words. But if you are still seeking God, perhaps you will choose, as I did, to accept this great gift of salvation and be reconciled to God.

82 thoughts on “My testimony

  1. Thanks so much for sharing your story…I am experiencing some difficult hardships right now and after reading your testimony, my questioning faith is returning. Your life surely has purpose that is meant to radiate. Thanks again for the needed inspiration.

  2. So glad you found this inspirational. Sorry to hear you’re struggling right now. I find that my faith is the only thing that ultimately carries me through the hardest times. Hope you find some relief. God bless.

  3. Thanks, Sarah. With all the inane blathering that dominates the information landscape, it’s nice to know there are still clear thinkers, such as yourself, providing islands of lucid respite where I can take refuge from the raging shit storm of idiocy whenever I need to.

  4. Sarah, thanks for taking the time to put your thoughts into words. I’m going to share this with several young people just graduating from high school. Continue to carry the message. VFM #0126 – aka daddynichol

  5. So wonderful to hear that this story is resonating with people. I had no idea it had that kind of power. It really is just Psalm 19 — God’s glorious handiwork is there for all to see.

  6. Terrific article. I wish every internet atheist who’s ever sneered “Science has disproven God,” or “There’s no scientific evidence for God,” or “Only ignorant people believe in a God,” could read this article. I think it would give a lot of them pause. At least the honest ones.

  7. Pingback: Atheist gets her PhD in astronomy and astrophysics and finds evidence for God | Wintery Knight

  8. Pingback: Atheist gets her PhD in astronomy and astrophysics and finds evidence for God | THINKAPOLOGETICS.COM

  9. Dear Sarah, your testimony had a profound impact on me intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally. My wife and I have drunk deeply from the well of suffering – our only beautiful child’s cruel death from cancer, just to name one thing. Should you write further on the subject of suffering, I would very much welcome your eloquent exposition. Yours in Christ!

  10. Thank you for this post, Sarah.
    I read Gerald Schroeder’s ‘Genesis One’ and was amazed.
    Your testimony is also amazing. I know because God called me back to himself when I was so totally lost. Some of the evidence for faith remains the Holy Spirit witnessing with our own spirit. That was my proof.

  11. Roger, words cannot express how sorry I am that you lost your child to cancer. People say this all the time, but that’s only because it’s true: there is nothing worse than losing a child. It’s difficult to know what God’s purpose is in allowing such things to happen, but that’s where faith comes in, at least for me. I’m not sure that I could expound on that subject very eloquently — certainly not as eloquently as C.S. Lewis — but perhaps I’ll give it a try at some point. Meanwhile, thank you for your comment. God bless, and take care.

  12. Wonderful post! I do think it is impossible for someone to study Cosmology and Astronomy without questioning their own faith and the scripture that forms the basis of their faith. Although I was a Christian at an early age, I had to go through this doubt period when I took up Cosmology and Astronomy as a hobby. I came to similar realizations as you but didn’t articulate them anywhere near the way you did above. This post of your was like manna to me, thanks so much.

    One other point that has been a way of reconciling Genesis with the Big Bang is the incredible amount of simple equations that explain very complex things like the speed of light (equal to wavelength x frequency). Our Universe hates order (2nd law of thermo) and the fact that we can describe it using very orderly and simple equations means there had to be a Creator who was and is the ultimate scientist.

  13. its wonderful to read such a true conversion Sarah but you know perhaps already the attacks against you by professors who are still atheists will be an on going event .But what they don’t realise that battle has been won by you Sarah as now God is on your side…may God bless you in your continued journey alongside our Lord Jesus

  14. Fantastic testimony Sarah, and the honest way you tell about your daughter and cancer is an inspiration. My wife and I lost a child in early pregnancy and came to know folks in an organisation called Saying Goodbye – largely Christian, but designed to offer support to people who lose children. You can check them out on Facebook, I believe there is a group in the states. Well done for striking out in an age where many scientists (of many faiths) are suffering persecution for their beliefs.

    Best wishes, God bless.

  15. I was raised in a Christian home and repented of my sins and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at as a tween-ager, but as a bookworm and “absent-minded professor,” I did have to face challenges to my faith. I essentially took a “wait and see” attitude. It turned out that the popular science statements that suggested scientists knew for a fact that the universe was about 20 billion years old were outdated in a few years, and a “perfect missing link” known as “Nutcracker Man” disappeared — I found out later it had been relegated to an offshoot branch of the Australopithecine apes that wasn’t regarded as especially close to our ancestors. Eventually I was satisfied that in certain areas, the “self-correcting nature of science” simply meant that nobody really knew anything for sure, and too much depended on assuming there wasn’t any active Creator God who could (and did) judge the world with a global Flood. Meanwhile the “unchanging dogmatism” of the Bible was just a spiteful way to say it was still reliable after thousands of years.
    Further research convinced me that the attitude that religion (and Biblical Christianity in particular) was incompatible with “science” was motivated not really about science, but atheism, Rationalism, pure inductive empiricism, and other self-defeating philosophies and worldviews masquerading as science. My historical research indicates it began with German “higher criticism” and the liberalism and Deism in Great Britain. It slithered into science with Hutton and Lyell and others in geology, rejecting the revelation of the past in the Bible and looking for explanations of the geologic record that fit within the natural-processes limits of science — and of course with that filter they didn’t see the awesome record of the Flood. With only natural processes allowed, there was only one remotely plausible explanation for how so many amazing forms of life came to exist, and all it took was a respectable British gentleman proposing a sufficiently vague, generalized story of slow and gradual evolution for the hot young scientists to proclaim “Eureka!”
    Meanwhile, the true history of the origin of modern science as a limited tool for Bible-believing Christians to study the current workings of God’s handiwork for blessings to us and glory to God, as practiced and set forth by Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Sir Francis Bacon, Newton, Faraday, and many others, had been covered up by religion-hating propagandists who blew up the Galileo affair and promoted a fictional tale of Columbus being opposed by religious idiots who thought the world was flat.
    Whoops, got carried away, but it’s hard to stop when there’s so much false information out there that people consider truth that “everybody knows.”

  16. I forgot to mention in my earlier post how sorry I was to read about your daughter, Sarah. I know exactly how you feel. We lost our third son Ryan, stillborn at 8 1/2 months in 1987. Then through a series of providential events over the next six years, God blessed us, like Job, with two more children: Sarah (!) and Jonathon.
    A few years later, our second son, Jared, fell in with the wrong crowd in school and began to drift away from his earlier faith. We were grieved, but continued to pray for him. And God again moved, bringing him back to Himself, to the point where he went back to church and started reading his Bible again.

    Three days later Jared was killed instantly by a falling tree. He was five months to the day from his 21st birthday.

    “The Lord gives, the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:21).

    I will praise God to my dying day that He brought our son back to Himself before He called him home , so that we would KNOW that he made it, and that we will see both him and Ryan again when our time comes. Thank you again for your testimony, Sarah. Blessings.

  17. Mark, there are hardly words. There is no greater loss than the death of one’s child, and you experienced that twice. But praise God that your son, Jared, was reconciled with his Heavenly Father.

  18. nada, what more truth is there than this? Jesus is the Son of God. He died for our sins, to reconcile us with our Heavenly Father, so that we might have eternal life.

  19. Pingback: Former atheist astrophysicist, Sarah Salviander, explains her journey to Christianity. | Historical Jesus studies.

  20. Pingback: «Ho lucidamente avuto una visione di mia figlia tra le braccia amorevoli del Padre Celeste » - La Luce di Maria

  21. Pingback: Rocco Politi | La conversione dell’astrofisica Salviander: «ho percepito un ordine nell’Universo». 12/6/2015

  22. Sarah, Thanks you for sharing your story. I’m a pastor in Colorado, with a bachelor degree in Geology form the University of Colorado. Many years ago I read Schroeder’s wonderful book, but it not only changed the way I reconciled Scripture and the age of the earth, it contributed immensely to revolutionizing my theology and understanding of the entirely successful work of Jesus Christ, the Word of God. On the seventh day, everything is very good and the Word has accomplished that for which he was sent. Justice is satisfied in Christ. Justice is not, “People getting what they deserve,” for they deserve nothing. Justice is God getting what God deserves and that’s people made in his image–the completed work of His Word at the end of the sixth day. Well I wrote a book on the topic and made a short movie. I’d love to share it with you and talk with you one day. The short film can be found here: And the book here: I should tell you that I have paid dearly for my convictions. To some, the completed work of Christ is a threat. But I would assure you that decades of preaching and examining Scripture have shown me that the message of Scripture is consistent: “Behold I am making all things new” (Revelation 21:5). “For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell and through him to reconcile to himself all things. whether on earth or in heaven making peace by the blood of his cross” (Colossians 1:19-20). Blessings on you!

  23. Pingback: La conversione dell’astrofisica Salviander: «ho percepito un ordine nell’Universo» | "BLOG "CHIESA CRISTIANA EVANGELICA ADI GUIDONIA via Giuseppe Motta 32 Guidonia

  24. Congratulations, you have found proof supporting Pandeism — a revolutionary, evolutionary theological theory which has no conflict with any realm of science, and which wonderfully fully accounts for, and so supersedes all theistic faiths to come before. Note that these observations disprove the literal truth of the Bible and similar manmade documents which posit a god who created first the Earth, then the Sun and the Stars. Now you know that the stars came before the Earth and scripture is superseded by Pandeism, a theological model which expressly has our Creator creating in the order revealed by scientific investigation. Blessings!!

  25. I have grave doubts that pandeism supersedes Christianity. Schroeder explains in his book, The Science of God that the Bible does not say the Earth was created before the Sun and other stars. Genesis is perfectly compatible with the record of nature. See here and here.

  26. All of this is most simply resolved when one acknowledges that God is omnipotent and supernatural, and created just as the Bible says He did. Then realize that scientific research was designed for studying the operation of the natural world as it is now. Naturally, when you try to figure out what happened supernaturally long ago, you’re going to get the wrong answers. I do think relativity and time dilation might be involved, too, but the reference frame is Earth, where “evening and morning” mark the passage of six ordinary days, while great time passed in the outer universe.

  27. Pingback: Former atheists speak. 44 Quotes: | Historical Jesus studies.

  28. Pingback: My Response to "Former Atheists Speak. 44 Quotes" by James Bishop

  29. Pingback: Sarah Salviander, omul de ştiinţă ateu care l-a văzut pe Dumnezeu în Univers - Beni Drădici - Accente

  30. Hello,
    I want to say that your testimony is so encouraging.
    I have wrote to you a private message on Facebook asking for some advice to something similar to what happened to you, but because we are not friends on it ,if you dont look at the messages you receive from those who are not on your friends list ,I am afraid you might not see it.
    God bless you and keep doing the good work! :)

  31. Flavia, I have been sadly neglectful of the SixDay Facebook page. You can send me an email at sixdayscience -at- gmail -dot- com.

  32. Can u please do ur testimony on spanish i will love it to chared with ppl dont speak english God bles u so much and ur family.. Ur story and testimony make me so happy im so full of joy the u dont even know thanks to God the bring u to him and thank u for shared such amasing testimony.. Mat God bless u againg :-)

  33. Pingback: Científica atea se convierte a Cristo tras comprender que el universo fue creado por Dios | Vocero Cristiano

  34. Many thanks to you, Sarah, for sharing and thanks to God for lifting up a person like you which is a living beacon for all of us searching for the light of truth.

    If you have a video with your testimony please share it to me so I can show it in the presentations I do to the “self-sufficient” community of business men and scholars of Mexico City.

    In a world of doubt and relativism we need reference points yo show us the Way; keep on being one of them

  35. Thank you, Hugo; I’m glad this has helped you.

    I really need to start putting some of my stuff on YouTube. The only thing I can recommend at this point are two radio interviews I did earlier this year. See here. I’ll do my best to get my testimony and a few of my talks on YouTube in the near future.

  36. Sarah, my colleagues and I are planning a conference for the months to come targeted to smart people in the business/education communities honestly searching for truth (not yet having an encounter with Christ). In case you may be interested and available as speaker, please send me an e-mail to so I can share with you who we are and the overview of the event.

  37. Pingback: Científica atea se convierte a Cristo tras comprender que el universo fue creado por Dios |

  38. Pingback: Cum s-a convertit o reputata cercetatoare, astronom si fizician, de la ateism la credinta in Isus Hristos | Life Mission

  39. Pingback: Científica atea se convierte a Cristo tras comprender que el universo fue creado por Dios | Ministerio de la Educación y Enseñanza VICTORIA EN JESUS

  40. Pingback: Beraca Fm 107.5 | Científica atea se convierte a Cristo tras comprender que el universo fue creado por Dios

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  42. Pingback: Científica atea se convierte a Cristo tras comprender que el universo fue creado por Dios | Radio Vida Curicó

  43. Pingback: Sarah Salviander, omul de ştiinţă ateu care l-a văzut pe Dumnezeu în Univers | Life Mission

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  46. Pingback: Científica atea se convierte a Cristo tras comprender que el universo fue creado por Dios |

  47. Pingback: Científica atea se convierte a Cristo tras comprender que el universo fue creado por Dios : Radio Momento de Dios

  48. Pingback: Científica atea se convierte a Cristo tras comprender que el universo fue creado por Dios | Torre Fuerte

  49. Pingback: La conversione dell’astrofisica Salviander: «ho percepito un ordine nell’Universo»

  50. Pingback: La conversione dell’astrofisica Salviander: «ho percepito un ordine nell’Universo» — Comunità Cristiana Giubileo

  51. Pingback: Científica atea se convierte a Cristo tras comprender que el universo fue creado por Dios | El Fin del Mundo se Acerca

  52. Pingback: MUSIC NOTES: 11.24.15 | BHBC Music Notes

  53. Pingback: Astrophysicist’s Testimony Encourages Parents of Prodigals | Hope for Hurting Parents

  54. Pingback: La conversione dell’astrofisica Salviander: «ho percepito un ordine nell’Universo» | Informare per Resistere

  55. Pingback: Científica atea se convierte a Cristo tras comprender que el universo fue creado por Dios | Tabernáculo Bíblico Bautista "Amigos de Israel" - Manassas, VA.

  56. Oh, only by grace of God! All praises to Him. Thank you very much for your testimony. :D
    «There are two kinds of people one can call reasonable: those who serve God with all their heart because they know him, and those who seek him with all their heart because they do not know him». —Blaise Pascal

  57. Pingback: Former Atheists Quotes | Does Christianity Make Sense?

  58. Pingback: Stiri – Sarah Salviander, omul de ştiinţă ateu care l-a văzut pe Dumnezeu în Univers

  59. It was in his home country of Finland, and it was a very different experience than mine. I’ll ask him if he wants to write it down sometime.

  60. Mr. Peter Hiett:

    Just watched your film and it certainly hit a spot for me. With all of the facebook apologists around me fervently arguing about old Earth / new Earth in their *own* group, I had a sense that we’re getting lost in the details. This film might help and we might go back to using apologetics to clean the inside of the plate, so to speak.

    Thanks and God bless you.

  61. Pingback: Científica atea se convierte a Cristo tras comprender que el universo fue creado por Dios - Cristo Me Fortalece

  62. Pingback: Untitled | ÉNFASIS EN LA VERDAD

  63. Pingback: Ho visto mia figlia tra le braccia amorevoli del Padre Celeste - La Luce di Maria

  64. Pingback: mid-week apologetics booster (7-26-2018) – 1 Peter 4:12-16

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